- 科尔在这方面像个天才星探,他的继任者也在延续他的做法。
- Kerr went about this like a talent scout , and his successors have continued the practice .
- 看起来在奥兰多布鲁姆与米兰达科尔仅确认其订婚的1个月后,他们就走进了婚礼的殿堂。
- Looks like just a month after orlando bloom and miranda kerr confirmed their engagement , they walked down the aisle .
- 同杀死科尔的汽车炸弹一样,那次暴行是反对北爱尔兰和平进程的持不同政见的共和党所为。
- That outrage , like the car bomb that murdered mr kerr , was the work of dissident republicans opposed to northern ireland 's peace process .
- dhcr7/nadsyn1cyp2r1和gc基因缺陷分别导致胆固醇合成、羟基化和维生素d运输方面的问题。
- The genes in question ( dhcr7 / nadsyn1 , cyp2r1 and gc ) were involved in cholesterol synthesis , hydroxylation and vitamin d transport , respectively .