- 这种情况是否即将转变?
- Is this about to change ?
- 这是个巨大的转变。
- That is a big change .
- 考虑过换个职业吗?
- Thinking about a career change ?
- 交流和对话非常的重要。
- Exchange and dialogue are critical .
- 但收税就是一项这样的强制交易。
- But taxation is just such a coerced exchange .
- 股票交易所的整合很少有比现在更热的时候。
- Rarely has stock exchange consolidation been more fevered .
- 加勒比海岸英语的国家有三个主要的商业区。
- The english-speaking caribbean apart , it has three broad trade blocks .
- 卡尔梅克蒙古人最为成功的商业领域是建筑业和小买卖。
- The most successful kalmyk mongolian businesses are the house building trade and small businesses .
- 一种办法是通过交易。
- One way is through trade .
- 这个边远地区造就了人们仍停留在物物交换在经济形式里。
- It is so remote that the people still live on a barter economy .
- 他们甚至说道:人类在以物易物的经济时代可能会更开心。
- They even say that we might be happier in a barter economy .
- 为降低以物易物成本,货币也随着更合适物的出现而发展。
- Money evolves to reduce barter costs , with some things working better than others .