- 碳捕获和隔离技术仍处于不成熟的阶段。
- Carbon capture and sequestration is still at a very early stage .
- 你也许会为自己所创造捕捉的镜头而大吃一惊!
- You may surprise yourself with what you can create and capture !
- 但是碳捕获技术必须应用到天然气发电厂上。
- But carbon capture must also be applied to gas power plants .
- 你抓住了一个,然后看着它远去。
- You catch one and see where it goes .
- 在被投射抓住之前,我们就有更多的时间?
- Then the longer we have before the projections catch us ?
- 记住在圣诞节的时候,要在槲寄生树下抓住个人。
- Remember that next time you catch somebody under the mistletoe at christmas .
- 由于禁止诱捕、贩卖海龟等措施的施行,大西洋中海龟的数量在过去的20年中有所上涨。
- Turtle populations in the atlantic have increased over the last 20 years because of measures like bans on trapping turtles and selling their parts .
- 在浅滩地区形成的现代层叠岩石,是细菌生长和捕获矿物质而形成的。
- Modern stromatolites form in shallow tidal areas , and are the result of bacteria growing and trapping minerals as they do so .
- 因为色诺芬尼注意到海洋生物的化石被埋在土里,然后他推测也许这个会周期性变干燥的世界会复归它最初泥浆的形态,于是就在这种转变的过程发生之前捕获和保存了当时世界上的生物。
- For xenophanes had noticed the fossil remains of sea-creatures embedded in the earth , and guessed that perhaps the world periodically dried up , returning to its original muddy state , trapping and preserving the earth 's creatures as it did so before reversal of the process .