- 挨家挨户的推门卖保险不是个容易的活,没有人愿意在吃午饭的时候被一个大谈特谈事故跟死亡的陌生人打扰,要避免迎面摔上的门,一个推销员必须非常有魅力。
- Flogging insurance door-to-door is not easy . No one likes having lunch interrupted by a stranger who babbles about accidents and death . A salesman must be charming to stop that door from slamming in his face .
- 一户人家门外,他必要唱吉祥歌儿,什么大富大贵呀,什么指日高升呀,什么紫气东来呀,什么人畜两旺呀,……《呐喊》鲁迅。
- From door to door , they have always had to sing songs of good cheer to hustle for their supper : predicting great wealth , imminent promotions , or auspicious breezes from the east bringing prosperity to man and livestock alike .
- 募捐者挨家挨户寻求捐。
- Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations .