- 现在迎来了第二波危机。
- Now for the second wave .
- 会出现一轮震撼全球的冲击波吗?
- Will there be a planetary shock wave ?
- 等一等这波繁荣高潮的结束!
- Wait until this wave of prosperity is over !
- 另一种方法是对选举施加影响。
- The other is to wield influence on elections .
- 它到底开始看起来像一个努力行使自己职权的政府。
- At last it is beginning to resemble a government endeavouring to wield power .
- 新的欧元区机构将行使生杀大权,而不必讲究什么民主责任。
- New euro-zone institutions will wield brutal powers without democratic accountability .
- 从命令中行中接收打印的输入。
- Printing from the command line .
- 麦克里斯托最近接过了美军在阿富汗的指挥权。
- Gen. mcchrystal recently took command in afghanistan .
- 奥巴马总统授权它们在北约指挥下再展风采。
- Mr. obama should authorize them to fly again under nato command .