- 在旅行之始,如月亮在“燃烧之路”,或浮游,其人要么在旅途中生病,要么有令人讨厌的麻烦和干扰。
- When the moon shall be in the combust way , or peregrine , in the beginning of a journey , the person will either fall sick in his journey , or shall be otherwise grievously troubled and molested .
- 骨髓造血组织稍低下,是再碍吗?
- The bone marrow hematopoiesis organizes slightly low , is to be in the way of again ?
- “我们边做边学,如果你被投入到一种情势下,而且这种情势能够以有利于你的方式转移至现实世界,那么玩游戏就是一种极其有效的学习方式,”霍金斯说。
- " We learn by doing , and gameplaying is a fundamentally potent way to learn if you 're put into a situation that can be transferred into the real world in the way that benefits you , " said hawkins . "