- 苹果公司的设备在wifi技术方面存在问题。
- Apple gear has problems with wifi technology .
- 通过仔细考虑你需要什么专用设备、安全装置来保证你的安全。
- Play safely by figuring out what special equipment and safety gear you 'll need .
- 专业视频设备市场同样处于不断的变化之中。
- The market for professional video gear is also in flux .
- 一辆过路的车把我们的挡泥板撞坏了。
- A passing car banged up our fender .
- 碰撞把我们汽车挡泥板给撞凹下去了.
- The impact dented our car 's fender .
- 范德怎么失去他的手臂的?
- How did locus fender lose his arm ?
- 人性当中有盲目自信的一面。
- There exists blind self-confidence in human nature .
- 但是愤怒并没有让她做出盲目判断。
- The outrage did not blind her judgment .
- 做为目盲的,他们没必要发光给其他同类。
- Being blind , they 're not lighting up to impress one another .
- 以上这些使得人们急于回答这个问题:为什么甩掉肥肉,保持苗条这么不容易呢?
- All this lends urgency to the question : why are extra pounds so difficult to shed and keep off ?
- 医生已建议他不要吃致肥食物.
- The doctor has advised him to keep off fattening food .
- 他们点燃篝火防止野兽靠近。
- They lit a fire to keep off wild animals .
- 提升技术水平是抵抗这种价格竞争压力的途径之一。
- Better technology offers one way to resist the competitive pressure .
- 想挪动你的脚的欲望是否不可抵抗?
- Does your desire to move your legs feel impossible to resist ?
- 他们获得的任何自由都将立即转化为抵抗他的工具。
- Any freedom they gain would immediately become a means to resist him .
- 帕里利物浦首席里克说杜拜财团试图迫使他们接受俱乐部收购.
- Liverpool chief rick parry says the dubai consortium tried to force the club into accepting their takeover bid .
- 克林顿夫人发现这一次很难招架。
- Mrs clinton finds this hard to parry .
- 理解在线显示和搜索广告之间相互作用需要一些工具,但这些工具尚未被大范围采用,也不是大多数人能承受的,帕里先生表示。
- The tools needed to understand the interplay between online display and search advertising have yet to become widely available or affordable , says mr parry .