- 而当我们的另一半拒绝承担责任时,抱怨也就吞噬了关心。
- And resentment corrodes caring when a partner refuses to carry his or her load .
- 一个第二阶段的货轮本身,具有500吨的空量,在去天王星70天里仅114吨的燃料,然后带回了614吨负载使用约254吨燃料。
- A stage two freighter could carry itself , with an empty mass of 500 tons , to uranus in 70 days for just 114 tons of fuel , and then bring back a load of 614 tons using about 254 tons of fuel .
- 多数植物带有大量有害的隐性基因的“遗传负荷”,其中少数是纯合的,因而降低了生长。
- Most plants carry a large genetic load for deleterious recessive genes of which a few are homozygous and depress growth .