- 卡方检定的研究结果显示,以该医学中心而言,住院病人的性别、年龄层、住院单位等因素与院内感染没有关联,另外所撷取出有关院内感染的关联法则,发现对院内感染的侦测,相当具有参考价值。
- According to the results of the chi-square test , to that medical center , we found that there was no relationship between in-patient 's sexes , the age levels , hospital ward with nosocomial infections . Moreover , we discovered some association rules that might be very valuable for nosocomial infections surveillance .
- 有趣的是,根据ronaldkahn博士和他在乔斯林糖尿病中心、马萨诸塞州总医院、贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心和布莱根妇女医院的同事们的研究,女性棕色脂肪积极的几率是男性的两倍。
- Interestingly , women were twice as likely to have active brown fat than men , according to the study conducted by dr. ronald kahn and his colleagues at the joslin diabetes center , massachusetts general hospital , beth israel deaconess medical center and brigham and women 's hospital .
- 医院表示如果心脏主动脉瓣硬化之后不及时治疗,会导致心脏衰竭或心脏性猝死。
- If left untreated , a hardened aortic valve can result in heart failure or sudden cardiac death , according to the hospital .