- 左手无名指关节痛是咋回事,其他各关节都好。
- The left hand ring finger arthralgia is why returns to a thing , every arthrosis is other good .
- 订婚戒指穿在左手无名指上,因为古人相信无名指和心相连,而心是爱情所在。
- The betrothal ring is worn on the third finger of the left hand since that finger was thought to be connected to the heart , the seat of love .
- 同时,继续追问无名指,无名指说本人其实不断有在暗中察看她。
- Meanwhile , continue to cross-examine ring finger , ring finger said I actually continued , which seeth in secret her .
- 你是否想过这可能是由于在晚上各种信息提示音、电话铃声以及手机振动引起的,为什么?
- Did you ever think that your nighttime pings , rings , and vibrates could be the reason why ?
- 在manustery的请求下你要从总共五个大臣手上收集政府部门的戒指.
- At the request of the manustery , you are to collect the ministry rings from all the five ministers .
- 他带了一只极大的金表,金戒指并且穿了一阵价格不菲的西装。
- He had a huge gold watch , gold rings , expensive suit , etc. he was extremely well dressed .