- 指法很难的钢琴曲。
- A piano piece with tricky fingering .
- 离我最近的一个人正在以极快的指法修改代码,于是我走了过去,但他已经修改完了。
- A person closest to me is revising codes with extremely quick fingering , then I go over , but he has already finished revising .
- 保持你的手指的灵活度,你将能与其他的人跟上小节数。
- Keep your fingering chart handy . You can always catch up with the others .
- 对於我们正在构想的科学,那是一个完全不同的图案平面。
- For the science that we are imagining , it is a completely different tablature .
- 三经典爵士乐和蓝调吉他独奏转录符号指法和标准,并配有帮助的债券在技术和风格。
- Thirty classic jazz and blues solos transcribed in guitar tablature and standard notation , complete with helpful notes on technique and style .
- 在给清羽拾掇房间时,采青发现了他珍藏的珍贵琴谱,喜欢不释手。
- To clear plume in room , adopt green muddled and found him the precious treasures , like don 't release tablature hands .