- 与此同时,wacom等企业正制造大尺寸的电容屏,而这类电容屏提供的正是触屏手机用户熟悉的多点触摸功能。
- Likewise , companies such as wacom now make large capacitive screens that allow for the multitouch gestures that are so familiar to touchscreen phone users .
- 事实上,对于一位特别喜欢指手划脚的裁判来说,球员偶尔的抗议相当于一块磨刀石,只会使他的判罚变得更加尖锐。
- In fact , for a special likes to make gestures of referees , players occasionally protest is equivalent to a grindstone , will only make his penalty becomes more acute .
- 但他所作出的左翼姿态,也反映了工党的转变的迹象。
- But his left-wing gestures also reflect the changing make-up of theparty .
- 人们看见挂着铃裆的公鸡,很是惊奇,便互相转告,并指指点点,嘻嘻哈哈。
- People sees the cock that is hanging bell crotch , it is amazed very , send word to each other , gesticulate , giggle .
- 事实上,至少自2000年代中期以来,全球所有主要参与者,均以美国和它的随从西方国家的马首是瞻,不过发发信息,或打打手势。
- In fact , since the mid-2000s at least , all the major global players , at their head of course the united states and its cortege of western countries , do no more than give out information , or gesticulate .
- 当然,总会有人对我的造型指手画脚,他们说我看起来太富挑战性,太煽情了。
- Certainly , generalmeeting some people gesticulate to my modelling , they said I look likethe too rich challenge , too was sensational .