- moreno说,mendoza的兄弟应经因“与其兄弟合谋犯罪”被逮捕,据称他怂恿mendoza开枪射击。
- Moreno said that mendoza 's brother was arrested because he was " guilty of conspiring with his brother " and allegedly helped instigate the shooting .
- 有些政府内讧派系认为对手在搞破坏煽动挑起一次阿拉伯春天革命。
- Some factions in the government think opponents are spoiling to instigate an arab spring-style revolution .
- 有一些人甚至警告说,如果我来了,他们将煽动抵制我的书。
- Some even warned me that they would instigate a boycott of my books if I came .
- 这些建筑特色全是为了激起人们对宗教的崇敬之感。
- These architectural features were all intended to incite to religious wonder .
- 公司的分析人士认为苹果的转变会在电子行业激起广泛的变化因为很多公司都拥有相同的供应商。
- Corporate analysts say apple 's shifts could incite widespread changes throughout the electronics industry , since a lot of companies use the same suppliers .
- 鉴于失业率仍处于非常高的水平,工作机会流失至“新重商主义”国家可能会激起强烈的政治反应。
- With unemployment remaining very high , job losses to the " new mercantilism " abroad are likely to incite strong political reactions .