- 其他分析者更为谨慎。
- Other analysts are more cautious .
- 温总理对于解决高压的地方政府的问题也是很谨慎的。
- Yet mr wen is cautious when dealing with high-handed local authorities .
- 至今为止,腾讯是三家公司中最谨慎的一个。
- Tencent has so far been the most cautious of the three .
- 这个公司仅仅只占用了几个谨慎安全的办公室。
- The firm occupies just a few discreet , very secure offices .
- 由于我们两人都已成家,所以我们打算谨慎行事。
- As we both have families , we intend to be discreet .
- 越南政府已经考虑对本国的一些小银行给予一些谨慎的资金支持。
- The government is already thought to be providing discreet liquidity support to a dozen small banks .