- 自然血亲的父母子女关系是基于子女的出生事实而产生的,其中包括生父母和婚生子女的关系、生父母和非婚生子女的关系。
- Natural and consanguineous parental children relation is a make trouble that is based on children solid and of generation , the concern that includes strange father and mother and legitimate children among them , strange father and mother and natural child concern femaly .
- 耶和华使以东人哈达兴起,作所罗门的敌人。他是以东王的后裔。
- So the lord sent hadad the edomite to make trouble for solomon : he was of the king 's seed in edom .
- 对于不小心的事件源,侦听器会造成麻烦的另一个方式是:抛出未检测的异常。
- Another way that listeners can make trouble for unwary event sources is throwing an unchecked exception .
- 有了交换,就可以刺激农业生产的发展。
- This exchange might then spur on agricultural production .
- 过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们,这对我们确实是一个鞭策。
- The people who learned from us in the past has surpassed us now this is really a spur on us .
- 为促进高投资,保证高增长,这种模式依赖于于国家对于特定行业或部门直接投资或提供补助,从而增加其吸引力并减少其投资风险。
- To spur on the high levels of investment necessary to generate rapid growth the model depends on state-directed subsidization to make investing in certain industries or sectors more attractive and less risky than it otherwise would be .