Do not solicit or accept any advantage for any candidate 's not using his best endeavours to promote his candidature .
It is one means by which university committees assess and approve your research candidature .
Signing on a notice of withdrawal of candidature as the candidate .
Once again , I strongly recommend his candidature and assure you of his competency and given set of skills .
If a candidate wishes to withdraw his candidature , he may do so by completing and delivering to the relevant returning officer a notice of withdrawal of candidature in a specified form before the close of nominations.15 .
If a candidate wishes to withdraw his candidature , he may do so by completing and delivering to the returning officer a notice of withdrawal of candidature in a specified form not later than the expiry of the nomination period .
It will be seen from omar 's exclusion of his own son from the candidature , how remote was the idea of hereditary monarchy from the arabian political consciousness .
While I am sure his past employers have given you excellent recommendations , my knowledge of your program leads me to believe that his candidature will be par on par with your expectations .
Bribery or intimidation relating to candidature .
Wolfgang sch uble , germany 's finance minister , said : " should christine lagarde decide on a candidature , europe would have the best chance to fill the post again . "