- 这意味着淘宝可能会面临棘手问题。
- That could spell trouble for taobao .
- 请您拼写一下好吗?
- Could you spell that please ?
- 体面的估值并非总意味着会马上成功。
- Decent valuations don 't always spell instant success .
- 欧盟对待金融业的方法一直是修修补补一项全方位的纾困计划,一些并不是非常严肃的资本重组计划,以及大量流动性而不是从根本上解决问题。
- The eu 's approach to the financial sector has been to apply patchwork fixes a blanket bail-out , some not very serious recapitalisation plans , plus loads of liquidity rather than solve the problem .
- 老式四个补丁拼布拼凑婴儿床被套。
- Vintage four patch patchwork pieced crib quilt .
- 许多公司都宁可喜欢一个国家政策而不是东拼西凑的地方性法规。
- Many businesses would favour a national policy rather than a patchwork of local laws .
- 然而,足以把这些话拼凑起来,知道他们发出了一些抵触性的嘟哝。
- It was enough however to piece together some of their defiant mutterings .
- 解决的办法只能是先拍摄电影然后对对话进行翻译,再把它剪辑拼接成完整的故事。
- It was only after we shot the film and received the translations of the conversations that we could then piece together the story .
- 后来我发现没必要为这些搜索结果付费,因为不同的网站往往提供不同的免费信息我本可以把各个网站的所有的小块免费信息拼在一起。
- I found it unnecessary to pay for these results since different sites tended to provide different information upfront -- I could piece together all the bits of free information from various sites .