- 这些销售人员也会招募自己的销售员。
- These salespeople also recruit other salespeople .
- 有才能的老师非常难以招募和保留。
- Talented teachers are hard to recruit and keep .
- 难怪华尔街和伦敦金融城会觉得,失意的年轻物理学家那么容易招收。
- No wonder wall street and the city find it so easy to recruit disaffected young physicists .
- 但他处理争端时不偏不倚的做法本身似乎便足以招致总统的怒火。
- Yet his even-handedness alone seems to have been enough to incur the wrath of the president .
- 最后一条经验来自瑞典和rtc,那就是即使坏帐银行蒙受巨大损失,人们仍有可能认为它们很成功。
- Last is the lesson from sweden and the rtc , that bad banks may be judged successful even if they incur large losses .
- 如果希腊债券持有人的安全投资也蒙受了损失的话,那么持有意大利,西班牙债券的债主们又当如何呢?
- If holders of greek bonds can incur losses on what they once thought were safe investments , what of holders of italian or spanish debt ?
- 年龄决定了这些即将20岁的新入伍战士更加容易受到伤害。
- Age predicts an even more vulnerable cohort of soldiers , those who enlist in their late 20s .
- 九步计划中的第八步是获得团队的支持。
- Step eight in the nine-step plan is to enlist a team for support .
- 获得一些帮助要向什么人咨询适合孩子年龄的语言呢?一个理想的人选是孩子的老师。
- Enlist some help - an ideal person to ask about age-appropriate language is your child 's teacher .
- 我必须承认自己相当吃惊。
- I must confess to amazement .
- 我承认,现在我已超越了懒散。
- It was beyond laziness now , I confess .
- 坦白地说,你记得你呼叫最频繁的人的手机号码吗?
- Confess -- can you remember the actual cellphone number of the people you call most frequently ?
- 这是个常见的文学伎俩。
- This is a familiar literary trick .
- 最后一个是个小把戏。
- That last one was a trick .
- 相反,他用了个聪明的伎俩。
- Instead he pulled a smart trick .
- 谁会需要这样的装置呢?
- Who might want such a device ?
- 然后此控制装置相应地调整照明。
- The control device then adjusts the lighting accordingly .
- 我发现用这个装置是我解脱的手段。
- I perceived in this device the means of my deliverance .
- 第二次大萧条似乎再向人们招手。
- A second great depression seemed to beckon .
- 他们招手远望,在迷雾中隐约前行,一个数学界的难以逃避的挑战。
- They beckon from afar , rising dimly in the mists , an elusive challenge to the mathematical community .
- 拉丁女演员里维拉年纪轻轻、美丽动人,再加上那罕见的演戏天赋,一定会有众多的电视剧、电影角色以及音乐事业会向她招手的。
- Beautiful , young latina actresses with rivera 's talents are few and far between , so more tv and movie roles and a music career beckon .