- 没有子女又结婚了两次,这位基督教民主联盟主席,总是表现得矜持和低调。
- Childless and twice married , the chairwoman of the christian democratic union often comes off as reserved and self-effacing .
- 女孩子矜持久了很累的,独自一人的时候,肆无忌惮一次吧。
- Girls reserved for a long time is very tired . When you stay alone you can be unbridled once .
- 结果显示,含蓄受试者大脑的纹状体区域,也即与奖赏相关的区域,其活跃度是外向组的两到三倍。
- The reserved subjects showed two to three times more activity in the striatum region of the brain which is associated with reward than did the more outgoing ones .
- 她漂亮(尽管新娘饮食让她暂时显得骨感)、优雅、面带微笑、娴静庄重,鲜艳的旧式短裙、精致的帽子和长至膝盖的靴子让她看上去很有魅力。
- She 's beautiful ( though a bride 's diet has temporarily given her ulrika jonsson 's bony sternum ) , elegant , smiley and demure and she looks good in old-fashioned , brightly coloured high-street frocks , elaborate hats and knee-high boots .
- 我几乎脱口而出:“不要离开”但我却努力保持端庄的形象说道:“我们下周见吧!”
- I almost said , " don 't go " , but I tried to be demure and said : " let 's meet next week . "
- 关于日本妇女端庄又恭顺的流行观念当然是人云亦云的成见,不过鸠山幸的举止不管放在哪个国家都算得上怪异了。
- The popular notion that japanese women are demure and subservient is a lazy stereotype , but miyuki 's behaviour would seem bizarre in any country .
- 一号店会帮助它们注册品牌、处理进口手续、运输、物流和广告等事宜。
- It helps them register their brands , deals with import formalities , transport , logistics and advertising .
- 例如,海关报关手续导致官僚主义泛滥,并且其费用为欧盟内以海运方式运输的商品总值的40%。
- Customs formalities , for instance , add inordinate bureaucracy and costs to the 40 % of goods that are shipped within the eu by sea .
- 10月26日,它最终同意了一项协议,即年底前后完成正式手续后就可成为世界贸易组织(wto)第150个成员国。
- On october 26th it finally agreed a deal to become the 150th member of the world trade organisation ( wto ) once formalities are completed around the turn of the year .