- 但我认为这是群体情绪的一个分支:我们认为,所持神学观点与我们不同的人很怪异;而任何怪异的事物一定是危险的。
- But I think that this is an offshoot of herd feeling : the man who has a different theology feels strange and whatever is strange must be dangerous .
- 吸毒者会对周遭的世界产生奇怪的想法和幻觉,他们看待世界的方式和正常人是不同的。
- Drug addicts have strange ideas and illusions . They see this world in a different way .
- 不过即使是这种“古怪的事情”也一定有着生物学上的解释,是与其生活风格、捕食策略、社会结构、性行为等等有关的不同限制所决定的。
- But even these " strange things " must have had biological explanations , being the results of different constrains related to its lifestyle , feeding strategies , social structure , sexual behavior and so on .