- 但他们也表示,这次的协商的内容很大程度上商议的是保留欧盟和挪威捕鱼的权利而不是同意让他们在自己的海域内拖网抓捕鲭鱼。
- But the negotiations , they say , have been more about preserving eu and norwegian catching rights than letting them trawl for the teeming mackerel in their own seas .
- 追溯深层的进化根源,也许有助于寻求答案。
- It may be time to trawl our deep evolutionary roots for some answers .
- 人们不再从发布欧洲新款的店家购买服饰,而宁愿放眼全球去搜寻颇具异国风情的设计,比如来自巴西贫民窟和南非小镇上的风情。
- Rather than buying their clothes from predictable european fashion houses , they trawl the world for exotic designs from brazilian favelas or south african townships .
- 但是,一些原本认为他们可以逃脱追查的人想错了。
- But some who thought they could escape the dragnet were mistaken .
- 奖金猎人和出卖回忆的鬼魂。
- Manslaughter dragnet and the ghost that sells memories .
- 没有很好的搜捕范围。
- Well , there 's no such thing as a perfect dragnet .