- 面对过高的财政和人力成本却无力叫停,为此,政府已改变了让反对者闭嘴并推进建设的理由。
- Faced with exorbitant financial and human costs but unable to pull the plug , the government has altered the rationale to silence opponents and push on with construction .
- 这样将从金融系统抽回资金,并推高这些市场上的利率水平,从而在经济开始出现过热的时候有助于美联储遏制增长。
- The act would pull cash out of the financial system and push up interest rates in those markets , which could help the fed temper growth if the economy begins to overheat .
- 并不是因为我懒惰,而是因为我发现无论我卷,折,推,拉多长时间,结果都是一样。
- Not out of sloth , but because I find the results much the same no matter how long I roll and fold and push and pull .