- 通过相同的策略,spd令人惊奇地在2005年近乎于击败cdu。
- With similar tactics , the spd came surprisingly close to defeating the cdu in 2005 .
- 一些民调显示他的共和党竞争对手pattoomey会在中期选举中击败他。
- Some polls show his republican challenger , pat toomey , defeating him in the mid-terms .
- 这份星期四公布的评估报告说,美国的战略将继续集中在击败基地组织上。
- The review , released thursday , says u.s. strategy will continue to focus on defeating al-qaida .
- 请允许我彻底地想一想。
- Let me think this out .
- 但请允许我阐述另一种可能。
- Let me suggest an alternative .
- 我不能允许我们的团队走此捷径。
- I couldn 't let the team take that shortcut .