
v.击败( defeat的现在分词 );战胜;挫败;使困惑
defeating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- With similar tactics , the spd came surprisingly close to defeating the cdu in 2005 .
- 通过相同的策略,spd令人惊奇地在2005年近乎于击败cdu。
- Some polls show his republican challenger , pat toomey , defeating him in the mid-terms .
- 一些民调显示他的共和党竞争对手pattoomey会在中期选举中击败他。
- The review , released thursday , says u.s. strategy will continue to focus on defeating al-qaida .
- 这份星期四公布的评估报告说,美国的战略将继续集中在击败基地组织上。
- Polls had suggested that mr castle had a better chance of defeating mr coons in november 's general election .
- 民意调查显示,在11月份的总选举中,castle先生更有希望击败coons先生。
- Henceforth , mr obama underlined , the priorities would be maintaining a robust nuclear deterrent , confronting terrorism and protecting the us homeland , and deterring and defeating any potential adversary .
- 此后,奥巴马强调,优先事项是保持有力的核威慑、应对恐怖主义和保卫美国本土,以及阻止和挫败潜在的对手。
- The complexity of even far more mundane challenges how to stay healthy , how to be happy in relationships or work can feel equally defeating , whether or not they 're technically beyond our abilities .
- 世俗生活的问题更艰难,它们复杂性可以同等程度地带来挫败感,而不管它们在技术上能否由我们把控,例如如何保持健康,如何在关系或工作中保持愉快。
- 6 Hunting down osama bin laden and defeating the taliban proved to be more complicated than expected , leading america to intensify its early bombing campaign .
- 图6猎杀本拉登和击败塔利班被证明远比预计中的更为复杂,导致美国加强了其早期的轰炸行动。
- Tea-partiers did better in alabama , defeating parker griffith , who switched to the republican party after being elected to congress as a democrat .
- 茶叶党党员在阿拉巴马州表现更好,击败了parkergriffith,他在作为民主党人选入国会后已经转投共和党。
- With the two sides so deeply entrenched and only secondarily concerned with deficit control ( the republicans care most about reducing the size of government , the democrats about defeating that effort ) , some kind of outright fiscal breakdown may be needed to force action that , or tax reform .
- 鉴于两党如此固执己见、且控制赤字只是他们关心的次要问题(共和党最关心的是缩减政府规模,民主党最关心的则是挫败共和党的这一努力),也许只有某种彻底的财政崩溃,才能迫使他们采取行动,也就是说,实施税改。
- Yet u. s. officials worry at the same that its woes and the government-financed bailout , brought on by allegations of corruption and insider dealing , will set back faltering western efforts to restore confidence in president karzai 's administration , a pillar of the allied strategy for defeating the taliban .
- 然而美国官方同时还担心,喀布尔银行的困境和被指有腐败和内幕交易之嫌的政府拨款救助将阻碍西方为恢复人们对卡尔扎伊政府的信心所做的努力,而卡尔扎伊政府是挫败塔利班的联合策略的支柱。