- 现在国会也许开始废除贸易禁运了。
- Congress may now start to dismantle the embargo .
- 因此哥斯达黎加需要解散几家国有垄断企业。
- This will require costa rica to dismantle several state monopolies .
- 野村在薪酬方面也引入了根本性的变革措施,但事实证明,废除过去的做法难度很大。
- Radical changes are also being introduced in compensation , where old practices have proved hard to dismantle .
- 遗憾的是,所有的经济体都想要拆掉老东西,不过我们很希望能够保留下来,如果可行的话。
- All economies sadly wish to pull down old things but we do passionately try to retain the older structures if viable .
- 为了对必应工作方式进行客户化,拉下右上角的附加菜单然后选择参数。
- To customize the way that bing works pull down the extras menu in the upper-right and select preferences .
- 我开始拉了他的拳击手,我吻了他,“你有一个避孕套吗?”
- I started to pull down his boxers as I kissed him do you have a condom ?
- 或者你还在考虑你卸下你的装饰品的时候吗?
- Or are you still thinking about when you 'll take down your decorations ?
- 他后来把旗子降下来了吗?
- Did he take down the green flag ?
- 你能帮忙把chelsea画的那些拿下来吗?
- Could you please take down the pictures chelsea drew ?