- 但假如他们决定呷上一口,我们希望他们会写下心得评述。
- But if they do decide to take a sip , let us hope they post a review .
- 节约就是降低我们的期望值,节约也就是学会:与其从大杯中狼吞虎咽地喝,不如从小杯子里呷一口,并且享受其中!
- Frugality and thrift are about lowering our expectations , about learning to sip from a small cup - and enjoy it !
- 很多人都希望开创自己的网上被动业务,拥有被动收入,我们可以周游世界,在海滩上惬意地呷着饮料,最大限度地享受生活。
- We all want to create a passive online business that allows us to travel the world , sip drinks on the beach and enjoy life to its fullest .
- 第一个收到加缪写于十二月的情书的mi那时候是一名年轻的丹麦画家。
- Mi , who received the first of those december letters , was a young painter of danish extraction .
- 八国集团首脑会议上,联合国秘书长强调必须采取行动的统一论宓。
- At g8 summit , un chief stresses need to act with unity on mi .
- 第二届吴宓学术讨论会论文选集。
- Selected papers from the second wu mi conference .