- 即使是城市贫民的主要来源典当行,也正经历改变。
- Even that staple of the urban poor , the pawn shop , is being reinvented .
- 产品筹集的资金被一家第三方私募公司投进了内陆省份河南的四家公司,其中包括一家典当行。
- Proceeds were invested by a third-party private-equity firm in four businesses in the inland province of henan , including a pawn shop .
- 资金投进了四家公司,分别是一家典当行,一家汽车销售公司,一家汽车服务公司和一家娱乐公司。
- The money was invested in four companies including a pawn shop , a car sales company , a car services company and an entertainment company .