- 提升技术水平是抵抗这种价格竞争压力的途径之一。
- Better technology offers one way to resist the competitive pressure .
- 想挪动你的脚的欲望是否不可抵抗?
- Does your desire to move your legs feel impossible to resist ?
- 他们获得的任何自由都将立即转化为抵抗他的工具。
- Any freedom they gain would immediately become a means to resist him .
- 他们会达成协议吗?
- Will they reach a deal ?
- 每个人都会达到的。
- Are within reach for everyone .
- 你是否每次都达到高潮?
- Do you reach orgasm every time ?
- 那有助于他们抵御任何迫近的动荡。
- That will help them withstand any impending tremors .
- 欧元区中心的大多数银行都能抵御来自这三个小边缘国家的打击。
- Most banks in the core of the euro zone can withstand a hit from the three small peripherals .
- 以国内为导向,意味着它的经济增长可以抵御给亚洲出口企业造成沉重打击的全球衰退。
- A domestic orientation means growth can withstand global downswings that hit asia 's exporters .
- 很简单,开始联络新的朋友并尽可能的帮助你身他们吧。
- Simply , begin reaching out and helping others however you can .
- 波多斯基和其他人都说,美国显存的大部分核反应堆都快要到达寿命了。
- Podowski and others said most of the existing u.s. nuclear reactors are reaching the end of their lifespans .
- 几个小时之后我们到达的不仅是一个新的港口,而且是一个新的国家马来西亚。
- A few hours later and we were reaching not just a new port but a new country , malaysia .
- 抵押贷款的遗留问题在减少。
- Legacy mortgage problems are fading .
- 同样下降的还有抵押贷款数额。
- Mortgage volumes are also down .
- 所以,当美联储停手时,抵押贷款利率可能会大幅上升。
- So when it stops buying , mortgage rates could rise sharply .