- 他拒绝透露收入有多少。
- He declined to disclose revenue numbers .
- 许多大型贷款机构并未透露表外风险。
- Many big lenders did not disclose off-balance-sheet risks .
- 但她拒绝透露导致该问题的原因。
- She declined to disclose what caused the glitch .
- 现在该不该去揭示这些不满呢。
- Is it time to reveal these discomforts .
- 然而调查数据显示由于这些其他原因迁移的情况并没增加。
- Yet survey data reveal that moves for these other reasons have not risen .
- 基因组学也许能显示出来芸芸众生在本质上是真正的兄弟姐妹。
- Genomics may reveal that humans really are brothers and sisters under the skin .
- 它还指示研究者们公布发表日期。
- It also directs researchers to publish their data .
- 美国大使馆也开始公布自己的数据。
- Embassy has started to publish its own data .
- 学术上他要承受不出版就完蛋的局面。
- Publish or perish did him in academically .
- 委员会将于10月宣布获奖者。
- The committee will announce the winner in october .
- 但是hp并未宣布市场销售价格。
- Hp did not announce a price tag .
- 政府往往都是在已经购买之后才予以公布。
- Governments tend to announce their purchases after they buy .