- 网上传出分手的卷筒材料的披肩.
- Line came out of the reel parted the tippet material .
- 飞线后,终于来到了教主披肩苍蝇.
- After the fly line come the leader and tippet and finally the fly .
- 披肩室内感到至少应,甚至更舒服倍速1x的.
- Tippet should be at least 3x , and more comfortably 2x or even 1x .
- 就这样球迷还认为卡帕太注重防守了。
- Yet the fans think cappa is too defensive .
- 在中场时,比分是3-1,这或许让卡帕处于一个难堪的位置。
- At half-time it was 3-1 , which probably left cappa in a difficult position .
- 尽管卡帕自己经常设法淡化这种比较,但是他的球队确实踢的是极为开放的足球。
- Cappa himself often tries to play down the comparisons , but his teams do play tremendously open football .
- 草案的内容仍然保密,但谨慎透露的消息称将包括重大变革。
- The text , to be put before a referendum next month , remains under wraps , but carefully promoted leaks suggest it will include some big changes .
- 安妮塔伊普利芙头上包着鲜艳的印花头巾,从开放厨房的柜架上拿下些陶瓷茶杯。
- Anita epulef wraps her head with a brightly printed scarf and moves easily around her open kitchen , pulling clay teacups from the shelves .
- 除了危险的钉刺带,对付高速行车警察有新的一手:遥控乌贼(即速安车底止动装置)会用粘乎乎的触须包住司机的悬挂系统。
- An alternative to the dangerous spike strips used during high-speed police chases , the remotely activated squid ( safe and quick undercarriage immobilization device ) wraps sticky tendrils around the driver 's suspension .