- 杜克公司是最近一家废弃筹措资金的英国公司。
- Duke street is the latest british firm to scrap fund-raising plans .
- 但官员们坚持认为这个举措并不标志着一场废弃简体字运动的开端。
- But officials insist the move does not mark the start of a campaign to scrap simplified characters .
- 国会里的和竞选中的共和党人说,他们一有机会就将废弃这个法律。
- Republicans in congress and on the campaign trail say they will scrap the law at the first opportunity .
- 但这个论点主张的应是废除禁运,而非对其加以修补。
- But that is an argument for scrapping it , rather than merely tinkering .
- 取消个人强制参保条款肯定会削弱奥巴马的全民覆盖目标。
- Scrapping the mandate would certainly undermine mr obama 's goal of universal coverage .
- 在没有取消通胀目标制度的情况下降低基准利率需要更严格的财政政策。
- Doing that without scrapping the inflation target requires much tighter fiscal policy .
- 这次拒绝伤你很深吗?
- Did this rejection upset you a lot ?
- 被拒绝会造成怎样的不良感受?
- How bad will rejection make you feel ?
- 带着排斥希腊的紧缩计划的投票结果将可能成为希腊退场的显而易见的触发点。
- The obvious trigger for a greek exit would be an election result signalling rejection of greece 's austerity programme .