- murle人是来复仇的。
- The murle were taking revenge .
- 我把这称为甜蜜的复仇.
- I call her sweet revenge .
- 这个故事其实是关于复仇的。
- Really the story is one of revenge .
- 一名政府发言人告诉外国记者,尼日利亚的军队和警察已经采取行动来报复这些恐怖分子的可耻行为。
- One of its spokesmen told foreign journalists that the action had been carried out to avenge the humiliating treatment of its members by nigeria 's army and police .
- 虽然马蒂是个严守法律的人,她为了帮父亲复仇不怕触碰司法底线。
- Though mattie is a stickler for the law , she 's not averse to frontier justice if that 's required to avenge her dad .
- 当这些特殊事件被大书特书时,可追溯至1999年的ddos攻击也导致了“为阿桑奇复仇行动”。
- Whilst these particular incidents were extremely high profile , a host of other ddos attacks dating back to 1999 have littered the path leading up to operation avenge assange .