- 护士长或提问者事先准备好提问的内容、理掌握训练时间。
- The head nurse or the asker prepaired questions previously and controlled training time reasonablely .
- 专横的护士长脸上滑落点点泪珠。
- Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse .
- 我在负责刑事犯病人的护士长的办公室里见到了拜妲。
- We met baida in the office of the head nurse for the criminally insane .
- 我姐姐因为这个为我担心。
- My sister worries about it .
- 他的姐姐两年前也来到了这里。
- His sister followed two years later .
- 你的妹妹出生在什么地方?
- Where was you sister born ?