- 水务公司应当牢牢抓住这一机遇。
- Water companies should seize the opportunity .
- 我认为他们应该抓住这个机会。
- I think they should seize that opportunity .
- 但是,我们能够把握时机或者说我们能成功地以债务刺激消费恢复经济吗?
- But can we seize the moment or will the temptation to restore the economy with debt-fuelled consumerism prevail ?
- 突然他感觉有人抓住自己的胳膊。
- Suddenly , he felt someone grab his arm .
- 他们抓住jake,后者没有做出任何抵抗。
- They grab jake , who doesn 't resist .
- 为了抓住这个机会,他们必须迅速改进策略。
- To grab it , they must quickly up their game .
- 抓举和总重量都创造了奥运记录。
- The snatch and total weights were olympic records .
- 如果巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)成功连任,金达尔也许就能轻易从兰德鲁手中抢过议员席位。
- Should barack obama win , mr jindal could easily snatch that one last senate seat from ms landrieu .
- 当其他孩子抢他的零食,或是推他的时候,他更多的是困惑,而不是报复。
- He is puzzled , rather than vengeful , when other children snatch things from him or push him around .
- 之后,乔布斯借助ipod推出了itunes,从唱片店手中夺取了音乐销售的控制权,帮助敲响了towerrecords等零售商的丧钟。
- He then used the ipod to help launch itunes and wrest control of music sales from record stores , helping spell the demise of retailers like tower records .
- 监管机构威胁着要停止交易,那样会产生上市垄断,之后纳斯达克和洲际交易所停止与德意志证券交易所抢夺欧洲证券交易所。
- Nasdaq and intercontinental exchange have ended their attempt to wrest nyse euronext away from germany 's deutsche brse after regulators threatened to block the deal , which would create a share-listing monopoly .
- 一次同时,spilitopoulos说到,国防部和其他部门的各个团体都试图打断他的调查,以便于利用杠杆效应的混乱,从他的手中夺取财产的监管权。
- At the same time , spilitopoulos says , various groups within the defense and other ministries attempted to thwart his investigation in the hopes of leveraging the confusion to wrest property from his oversight and control .