- 从下午早些时候持续至傍晚时分的对峙发生了一段小插曲,十余位穆巴拉克支持者骑马和骆驼失策地冲进反穆巴拉克的人群中。
- In one episode of a battle that lasted from the early afternoon into the evening , a dozen horse and camel riders made the mistake of charging into the anti mubarak crowd .
- 兔抗人促甲状腺激素。
- Rabbit anti human thyroid stimulating hormone .
- 抗利尿激素分泌不当综合征。
- Syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone secretion .
- 避孕药能防止患上卵巢癌。
- It protects against ovarian cancer .
- 咔特还会导致口腔癌。
- And it can cause oral cancer .
- 癌症是可怕的个人悲剧。
- Cancer is a personal tragedy .