- 构建有效的上市公司财务呈报管制制度应遵循发挥市场机制作用、坚持信息有用性、关注管制的经济后果和效益大于成本等原则。
- Constructing the effective supervising system of the accounting reports of the listed companies should follow the principles such as bringing into full play the market mechanism sticking to the usefulness of information paying atten
- 以操纵股票和证的眼光来对待球员可利于俱乐部操控球会市场:在球员黄金时期到来前(20出头为最佳)买进他,当有其他俱乐部出的价格高于他的价值时就卖掉他。
- It is possible to play the market wisely by treating players in a similar way to stocks and shares : buy them before their prime ( early 20s is best ) and sell them the moment another club offers more than you think they are w
- 发挥在外汇市场上,没有资金去承担风险。
- Play in the forex market without risking funds .
- 我当时很想充分利用那次成就和了解到的情况。
- I really wanted to capitalize on that achievement and that knowledge .
- 但他们希望能够充分利用自己在夏天选举中已经发展壮大的组织。
- But they hope to capitalize on their already strong organizations in summer elections .
- 最近几年,航空公司纷纷扩张国际航线,以利用全球经济繁荣之势。
- In recent years airlines expanded international service to capitalize on the booming global economy .