- 有自控的人能约束自己的反应。
- People with self-control restrain their reactions .
- 政府需要找到能约束金融市场、又不至于羁绊金融市场的方法。
- Governments need to find a way to restrain financial markets without shackling them .
- 每个人都在时时约束自己,为什么我们不能集体约束自己?
- Individuals restrain themselves all the time ; why can 't we do it collectively ?
- 面对压力,他是试图去压制,还是与压力相伴。
- He can respond to the pressure for change by trying to repress it , or by going with it .
- 然而,埃及首都爆发了其它抗议活动,就连被派来压制青年抗议活动的警察也加入游行,要求加薪。
- Other protests , however , broke out in the capital , with even policemen who had been brought in to repress the youth revolt marching to demand better pay .
- 联邦行政、海军、陆军当局都将承认并保障以上人员的自由,并将不会采取任何行动来压制其赢得实际自由的努力。
- The federal executive and naval and military authorities will recognise and maintain the freedom of such persons , and will do no acts to repress them in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom .
- 要求银行采取更高的资本充足率可能抑制过渡投机。
- Forcing banks to adopt higher capital ratios may curb speculative excesses .
- 它们甚至连外汇贷款增长都未能遏制。
- They did not even curb foreign-exchange borrowing .
- 还有一个方法是运用法律来遏制公开的仇恨言论。
- Another is to use the law to curb blatant examples of hate speech .
- 但是我很喜欢英语。
- But I do like english .
- 然而投资者厌恶政策真空。
- But investors abhor a vacuum .
- 可是咖啡在哪儿呢?
- But where was the coffee ?
- 然而女性的情况则有所不同。
- It 's different for girls , though .
- 那个城市虽然历经沧海桑田依然健在。
- The city still stands though much changed .
- 不过这并没有进行多长时间。
- This didn 't last long though .