- 本文介绍这类传感器的基本原理、构及其应用,并展望了压电石英晶体生物传感器的发展趋势。
- This paper describes the basic principle , the structure and the application of biosensor of this kind and look forward to the development direction of piezoelectric quartz crystal biosensor in the future .
- 以饱满的诚意和信心,我们期待着与美方合作,把有关扩大,更密切和更广泛的一套全面,我们两国之间的互利伙伴关系的美好未来国家经济的经济合作和迎接。
- With full sincerity and confidence , we look forward to working with the us side to bring about expanded , closer and more extensive economic cooperation and usher in a bright future of comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership between our two countries .
- 我们对过去的圣诞节还有很深刻的印象,也盼望将来有更多值得回忆的圣诞节。
- We have great memories of christmases of the past and look forward to many more great christmas memories in the future .