- 你是否接受医疗保险或医疗补助?
- Do you accept medicare or medicaid insurance ?
- 另一方面,《保险法》规定,父母为未成年子女投保的人身保险,不受以上规定的限制,但是死亡给付保险金额总和不得超过金融监督治理部门规定的限额。
- On the other hand , " insurance law " regulation , parents drops the person insurance that defend for minor children , do not accept the restriction that above sets , but the limitation that dies to pay insurance amount summation to must not exceed finance to supervise management department to set .
- 义工眼科医生将接受医疗保险或其他保险全额支付。
- Volunteer ophthalmologists will accept medicare or other insurance as full payment .
- 一项州法的确几乎得以通过,不过被包销新兴市场主权债务发行的银行设法阻止了。
- One state law did almost pass , but banks that underwrite emerging-market sovereign-debt issues managed to block it .
- 在崩溃之前,行业惯例不仅允许国家城市银行包销债券,而且允许他们雇用一只销售大军沿街向储户推销。
- Before the crash , industry practice allowed national city not only to underwrite securities but also to employ a sales army to peddle them to depositors .
- 知情人士说,徐工集团上个月在已有六名包销商的基础上又新增了六名包销商,并且希望能让这些银行为其ipo硬包销。
- State-owned xcmg last month added six new underwriters to its existing roster of six , and tried to get those banks to hard underwrite its ipo , people familiar with the deal said .
- 最终渥太华方面批准了这两宗交易。
- Ottawa ultimately approved both deals .
- 同样地,它也认可了里斯本协定。
- Similarly , it approved the lisbon treaty .
- 但目前仍旧没有被人们认可的药物来治愈大脑。
- Yet there are no approved drugs that help the brain heal .