- 这还会增加保护主义的呼声。
- And it will raise calls for protectionism .
- 这宗上市未额外筹集资金。
- The listing did not raise additional capital .
- 最简单的方法是提高产品价格。
- The simplest is to raise prices .
- 移民也帮助了思想的传播。
- Diasporas also help spread ideas .
- 但自那以后好斗情绪蔓延。
- But since then militancy has spread .
- 但是知识也是会传播的。
- But the knowledge can also spread .
- 他的死预示了4个月后著名的janpalach自杀事件。
- His death foreshadowed the famous self-immolation of jan palach in prague four months later .
- 牛津大学神经系统科学教授简斯纳普称这项研究工作是“非凡的”。
- Jan schnupp professor of neuroscience at oxford university called the work " remarkable " .
- 在简开始使用机器手臂前,医生首先要记录下她想象手臂做各种动作时的大脑活动。
- Before jan could use the arm , doctors had to record her brain activity imagining various arm movements .