- 希腊用尽全力来释放其僵化经济体的活力。
- Greece is trying hard to free up its rigid economy .
- 为了实现这个梦想,我遵循着一套严格的时间表。
- In order to realize this dream I keep a rigid schedule .
- 英国采取了一个非常僵化的态度。
- Britain has taken a very rigid attitude .
- 然而与此同时,总体上却有更多女性退出竞争,她们会考虑新式死板的工作方式并决定干脆退出竞争。
- At the same time , however , many more women will drop out of the race altogether , looking at the newly inflexible way of working and deciding they would rather not compete at all .
- 过度锻炼或者强迫性锻炼;机械式的锻炼。
- Compulsive or driven exercise ; inflexible exercise routine .
- 但是,它们通常是由硬性而非软性材料做成,而且通常有毒。
- But they 're ordinarily made of hard , inflexible materials , which are also usually toxic .
- 良好的协调能力,灵活的思维和严谨的工作态度。
- Coordination skill , flexible ideas , punctilious attitude .
- 较好的协调,沟通能力,头脑灵活,工作认真仔细。
- Good coordination skill , communication skills , flexible ideas , punctilious working attitude .
- 他十分注重自己的名誉,如同一个骑士一样优秀,也和他们一样负债累累。
- He was as punctilious about his honour , as fine a horseman and as deep in debt as any of them .