- 他声称,“任何人想要进入我们的国土首先要先敲门”,就是用稍稍隐晦的语气警告卡塔尔不要在利比亚中央政府不稳固的情况下支持雄心勃勃的伊斯兰分子。
- " Anyone who wishes to come to our house should knock on the front door first , " he said , in a thinly veiled warning to qatar to stop favouring ambitious islamists at the expense of the shaky central government .
- 他声称,“任何人想要进入我们的国土首先要先敲门”,就是用稍稍隐晦的语气警告卡塔尔不要在利比亚中央政府不稳固的情况下支持雄心勃勃的伊斯兰分子。
- " Anyone who wishes to come to our house should knock on the front door first , " he said , in a thinly veiled warning to qatar to stop favouring ambitious islamists at the expense of the shaky central government .
- 尽管紧固件仅占飞机总成本的3%,但它已成为一个严峻的供应链问题。
- Although fasteners comprise only about 3 per cent of the cost of an aircraft , they became a serious supply-chain issue .
- 并定做各种异型非标紧固件。
- Make to order various atypical nonstandard fasteners .
- 健身器材拔钢材紧固件需求。
- Fitness equipment pull up demand for steel fasteners .