- 叉车载着各种零部件在头顶上弥漫的流行音乐中忙碌的进出。
- Pop music blares from overhead speakers as forklift trucks rush around with components .
- 我朝山间张望,白色的海浪和金色的沙滩呈现在眼前,秃鹫和苍鹰在空中翱翔。
- I glimpsed , between the hills , sea and white surf curling on golden sand ; vultures and buzzards floated overhead .
- 200名战士逮捕了塞拉亚并将他驱逐出境后,装甲车在特古西加尔巴街头巡逻,战斗机在首都上空徘徊。
- After 200 soldiers arrested mr zelaya and deported him , armoured cars patrolled tegucigalpa and fighter jets flew overhead .