- 有人要为页面浏览量辩护吗?
- Anyone want to defend the pageview ?
- 你准备好为康德辩护了吗?
- Are you ready to defend kant ?
- 奥巴马内阁的官员为他们在也门取得的进展辩护。
- Obama administration officials defend their efforts in yemen .
- 这一竞争保护指赢得这些合同并作为透明投标过程的一部分。
- The competition safeguard is that these contracts are won as part of a transparent tendering process .
- ecoconcept昨晚称,该交易将保障200个在英国的就业岗位。
- Eco concept claimed last night that the deal would safeguard 200 jobs in the uk .
- 第二项保障措施是发现一种方式可以没有偏见地去处理主权上的争端。
- Second safeguard is to rediscover ways to shelve disputes over sovereignty , without prejudice .