- 一个有名的例子是binyammohamed案,这位英国居民声称英国与美国抓捕者密谋,对他施行虐待。
- A notable case is that of binyam mohamed , a british resident , who claims britons colluded in his maltreatment by american captors .
- 继公众强烈抗议澳大利亚出口的牛在印尼屠宰场遭到虐待之后,澳大利亚禁止向印尼出口火牛。
- Australia imposed a ban on the export of live cattle to indonesia after a public outcry over the maltreatment of australian cattle at indonesian abattoirs .
- 为此美国国防部撤职17个负责的领导和士兵,11个军事部门的人员以虐待、恶性攻击和殴打等罪名被审判。
- In response , the us department of defense removed 17 officers and soldiers from duty , while 11 military personnel were eventually convicted of charges such as maltreatment , aggravated assault and battery .