- 他说,2007年他放弃了厨师的工作以照顾生病的母亲,当他几个月后开始重新寻找工作时,只能找到一份非全日制的工作,很快就保不住了。
- He describes how he gave up his cooking job to look after his ailing mother in 2007 . When he started to look for work again a few months later , he could find only a part-time job , which soon evaporated .
- 四年前,当alexhodara还是波士顿大学(bostonuniversity)一年级新生的时候,他就在当地一家专门向学生出租公寓的代理机构做兼职。
- When alex hodara was a freshman at boston university four years ago , he took a part-time job at a local agency renting apartments to fellow students .
- 后来我找了份兼职工作,每周有一天晚上在本地一所学校讲课这样我就可以说自己是个讲师了。
- I found a part-time job , lecturing at a local college one evening a week allowing me to say I was a lecturer .