- 我从来不会从独立商店里偷东西。
- I would never steal from independent shops .
- 很多革命的一大教训就是其革命果实易被窃取。
- One big lesson of revolutions is that they are easy to steal .
- 事实上,人们甚至会去偷。
- In fact people would even steal it .
- 你有一个男式钱包。
- You had a man purse .
- 或者是rita拿错了钱包?
- Or maybe rita grabbed the wrong purse ?
- 她全身只穿着一条白色的裤子,上身一丝不挂,除了肩上背着的手提包。
- She was wearing white pants and not much else besides a purse over her shoulder .