- 扒手扒走了我的钱包。
- A pickpocket stole my purse .
- 小偷拔脚就跑,正好撞在一个警察身上。
- The pickpocket started to run away and barged right into a policeman .
- 小偷被带到附近的警察所。
- The pickpocket was brought to the nearby police station .
- 在商店中行窃的小偷。
- Steal in a store shoplifter n.
- 这个小偷其实不是在试戴戒指。
- Our shoplifter wasn 't just browsing for rings .
- 商店扒手,那就是我.只有我一个.
- Shoplifter , that 's me . Lt 's the only one .