- 重新安装手轮,用固定螺栓加固。
- Reinstall handwheel and secure with retaining bolt .
- 自动脱离手的安全。
- Auto disengaged handwheel for safety .
- 手轮的设计保证安全可靠、省力、体积小。
- The design of handwheel ensure safe , reliable , labor-saving , small volume .
- 拆卸和更换双质量飞轮。
- Remove and replace dual-mass flywheel .
- 松开飞轮螺钉并拆下飞轮。
- Loosen flywheel screws and remove the flywheel .
- 拆下飞轮并检查是否存在任何泄漏。
- Remove flywheel and locate any leaks .
- 大多数喷气引擎都有一个电动马达,该马达在水下也应该可以用于让涡轮机的轴旋转起来,霍克斯建议。
- Most jet engines have an electric starter motor , and this motor could spin the turbine 's shaft under water , hawkes suggests .
- 接着工程人员就可以准备竖井上方的平台,从这里将特制的救援升井舱下放至矿井进行营救。
- Engineers will then prepare the platform above the shaft from which they will lower a specially designed rescue capsule into the mine .
- 救援人员称,作为备用他们将会重新开钻另一口竖井,以防第一口竖井出现问题。
- Rescuers said they would resume drilling a separate shaft as a back-up plan in case of problems with the first one .
- 我知道该如何应付压力。
- I know how to handle stress .
- 某些州处理方式有所不同。
- Some states handle it differently .
- 最伟大的领导人是那些能够以冷静和镇定应付压力局面的人。
- The greatest leaders are those who can handle a pressure situation by remaining calm and collected .