- 地处亚热带的冲绳,位于日本最南端的海边,自豪的提到,由于它海滨的吸引力,工作机会不到求职人数的一半。
- Subtropical okinawa , perched out at sea at japan 's southernmost end , boasts fewer than half as many jobs as applicants , for all its beachside attractions .
- 洛亚解释道:“关键是埃拉特海湾是一片营养贫乏、完全不含氮的海域。”
- The key point is that the gulf of eilat is an oligotrophic sea , a sea that does not have nitrogen at all , loya explained .
- 2002年《南海各方行为宣言》十多年后完全无法操作,缺乏起实际作用的热线安排和海事条约都突显了这个问题。
- The complete failure to operationalize the 2002 declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea after more than a decade , the paucity of real working hot-line arrangements and incidents at sea agreements all illustrate the problem .